Season 2 Trailer

Episode 1 September 14, 2023 00:04:49
Season 2 Trailer
Speak Life Moment Podcast
Season 2 Trailer

Sep 14 2023 | 00:04:49


Hosted By

Will Weeks

Show Notes

Special thanks to all listeners for their support and love. Special thanks to my son Noah for his work as my co-producer. Season 2 ideas and moving forward. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to season two of the Speak Life Moment podcast with your host, will weeks. Listen, guys, to all of you who have been on board with me since day one. First of all, I want to say thank you so much. Thank you for your heart. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your support. Thank you for believing me, because that truly means so much to me. And I have to tell you this. It is such an honor to be able to serve you with this kind of content. And it is truly my desire that it is a blessing to you, to someone, even if I don't get the opportunity to ever meet you or to hear from you. It is my desire that my words will reach the masses. [00:00:49] And this message that's going forward will certainly touch someone's heart, which in return will change lives. And that is truly my desire here today. I want to take an opportunity, a unique opportunity, to thank my son, my 17 year old Noah, who is also my coproducer, who has really been a big help in a lot of my show ideas. He's been a big help with production side of it and quality control and making sure that we are delivering premium content to the listeners and that it is a listening experience, an enjoyable listening experience. So thank you, son, for all of your hard work and your creativity. [00:01:33] Season two is going to bring about some wonderful things. Still the same great content, but we're hoping to ramp it up a bit. Of course, we're going to be changing the format a bit. Nothing too far out of the way, but we're going to change up the format just to kind of make things a little bit more smoother. We're going to be dealing with a lot of other topics during season two. But one of the biggest things that is really on my heart to deal with in the time here with season two is coping. [00:02:01] And one of the unique things about coping and coping mechanisms and or the lack thereof is that regardless of where you are, regardless of your socioeconomic status, regardless of your race, your ethnicity, your culture, regardless of whatever part of the world you're in, many of us are finding it very difficult to cope with just life's bends and turns and challenges. And in my professional background and the work that I do, I'm learning more and more every day that a lot of what people are struggling with truly isn't necessarily mental health. Now, again, I'm not downplaying that. Mental health hasn't rear its ugly head in so many different scenarios. But what I'm also finding out is so many people are just having a difficult time dealing with the challenges of life, dealing with unexpected outcomes, dealing with really understanding what to do when plans don't go the way that you want them to. And what I'm finding out is so many people are just coming apart from around the seams when things don't go as planned or as expected. And so season two, I'm going to be dealing a lot with coping and coping mechanism, and hopefully through a lot of the work that I'm looking to do, it will certainly help to improve our management of day to day scenarios and situations. Again, some things we absolutely just cannot get rid of because it's life. Some things we just cannot fix because it's life. Right? But if we can develop the skill set and if we have the tools in our arsenal to better manage some things, it certainly does make it a lot easier. So we're going to be delving into that in season two. And by the way, for many of you, I would love to hear your feedback. If this show is truly a blessing to you and you have some other ideas, even if there's some collaboration ideas, listen, I'm all for it and I'm certainly willing to listen. So drop me a line. My email is I'll [email protected]. Once again, it is I-L-L-B-E-U-R-I-N-S-P-I-R-A-T-I-O-N. That's a mouthful, right? I'llbeyourinspiration [email protected] looking forward to what's to come. [00:04:32] Bigger, better things. The best is truly yet to come. And again, thank you so much for being on board with me during this journey. God bless and may the force be with you. Until next time.

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